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Focus on 1 GOAL to succeed

Updated: Mar 12, 2018

Have you ever started a new year with multiple goals and the best of intentions, only to burn out a few weeks (or less!) later? I know I have. Well various studies clearly show that when you want to aim for a new goal, or start a new habit, you are more likely to succeed if you concentrate on one goal at a time.

Focus and repeat

Trying to work on too many goals at once ends up with what psychologists call “goal competition”. There is too much to do, too many new habits to make, we run out of time and energy and burn out. Before you know it you are back to your old ways and no where closer to reaching any of the goals.

Choosing and focusing on one goal at a time is the way to succeed. There is a term used when researchers talk about creating new habits called “automaticity.” - this is when you practise one thing so much that it becomes automatic. Say for example you wanted to drink more water. Your new habit would be to drink a bottle of water before lunch everyday. At first this would take conscious effort. However over time, with daily repetitions, this would become an automatic habit, and you would be doing it without thinking. So pick one goal and repeat

How long should I focus one 1 goal?

The time it takes to create a habit can vary depending on the person, the habit being pursued and the circumstances. Studies suggest that it takes around 2 to 3 months to make most habits sticks (though research has shown it can vary from 21 to 300 days so remember it is individual to you) Repetition is the key. The good news is that you will get there, you just need to stick with it, and if its only 1 thing at a time you are aiming for you are far more likely to make it a reality

Key Habits

Author Charles Duhigg talks about the importance of “key habits” in the book The Power of Habit . He suggests that when you pick a key goal or habit and concentrate all your effort on just that one thing, you will find that organically your other habits tend to improve also. For example say your goal is to get fitter and eat healthier. By concentrating on just getting fitter you will find over time your eating habits will organically improve too. This may lead to a general increase in happiness, this can roll on to make you more open, have more energy, which in turn can feed positively into your social and work life. Pick and focus on 1 goal at a time, you may find it organically improves other areas of your life too.

How to pick a Goal

  1. Make a list of all your goals. Goals that you want to do, be or have. Write as many as you want.

  2. Now prioritize your goals so you can choose the 1 with which you will start. This is not always easy to do so give it some time. It may not be your most important goal, you may wish to start with a small goal first to build confidence.

Here are some questions to think about when trying to prioritize your goals.

· What goal comes from a desire within and not from what you think you should do because of outside pressures?

· What goal aligns with you values?

· What goal will benefit your health?

· What goal will benefit your happiness?

· What goal will benefit those around you?

· What goal makes you excited when you think about it? Gives you the most energy?

· Which goals are short term or have an immediate need?

Look at each goal and try to think about the above questions. Hopefully it will become clear which goal is most important to you right now AND which goal you currently have the means to pursue. Which ever goal you choose, big or small, just DO it!

Now you have your goal it's time to think about how you will put your goal into action. Good luck, you've got this.....

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